List of Spanish Lessons with Descriptions
The lessons are grouped with basic and beginner information at the top and intermediate and advanced Spanish lessons toward the bottom of the page.
Whenever you see this speaker symbol next to an underlined word, you can click on the speaker or the underlined word to hear the word spoken by a native Spanish speaker.
Spanish Lessons with Something For Everyone
We've provided information on these pages for Spanish students of all levels. If you find what you're looking at is too easy for you, just pick something a little farther down in the list. You're sure to find something challenging and educational on these pages.
- Understanding Confusing Spanish Words There is a group of Spanish words that seem to give everyone a difficult time -- The purpose of this lesson is to make you aware of these words and give you some tips on how to handle them.
- Learn the Spanish Alphabet The Spanish alphabet has the same letters as the English alphabet, with a few additional letters that are explained below. The Spanish alphabet has the same 5 vowels
- Learn to Enter Special Spanish Characters on the Keyboard Using the Special Spanish characters is a required part of using the language...Learn to easily enter any special Spanish character in any computer program.
- Learn about Spanish Parts of Speech This lesson will give you an overview of the different parts of speech in the Spanish language -- parts of speech are types of words we use in sentences -- nouns, verbs, etc.
- Learn about Spanish Nouns -- Person Place or Thing A noun is a person, place, or thing. Here are some examples of nouns:
- Learn to tell time in Spanish Learn the practical skill of how to tell time in Spanish.
- Learn about Spanish verbs -- Action words Spanish verbs are action words -- they get things done ... Let's take a look at and listen to some examples of Spanish verbs: These are some of the most common Spanish verbs:
- Learning to make sentences in Spanish This lesson is about making sentences in Spanish. You can have a huge Spanish vocabulary of thousands of words but what good would it do you if can't form the sentence you need to express a thought?
- Spanish Adjectives -- Which, What kind of, How many? Adjectives are used to describe nouns and include groups of words such as colors, numbers, and Any time you use Spanish to talk about if you like or dislike something, you will use adjectives
- How do I make a word plural in Spanish? Making words plural in Spanish is not complicated. Most words are made plural by adding s or es to the end of the word.
- Conjugating Spanish Verbs -- Action Words Learning to conjugate Spanish verbs isn't something you have to think about with fear or dread. On the contrary, to know the way to use verbs is a skill you can be excited about. Once you know verbs, you begin to be able to express in Spanish any thought that comes to you. It really is exciting and powerful.
- Irregular Spanish Verbs -- Conjugation This section will talk about irregular verbs. Irregular verbs change their form to match the subject in ways that aren't consistent with other verbs...
- Learn about numbers and counting in Spanish ...if you read on in this article you'll learn some valuable lessons about numbers you won't find in any book.
- Introduction to Spanish Adverbs Knowing how to use adverbs is an important part of knowing Spanish. Read this article to get started down the path of knowing everything you need to know about adverbs.
- Learn the Basics of Spanish Pronouns Get started here learning what you need to know about Pronouns. There in almost every sentence so it's worth some time to understand what pronouns are and what they do.
- Personal Pronouns in Spanish Get started learning about personal pronouns.
- More About Spanish Adverbs This lesson continues to teach you about adverbs and picks up where the adverb introduction left off. In the adverb introduction, you learned that just as we use the "ly" ending to make adverbs in English, you use the suffix -mente at the end of Spanish adjectives to make them into adverbs.
- How to Show Possession in Spanish Showing possession, or talking about something belonging to someone, in Spanish is done differently from English. Use the tips below to become confident in knowing how to show possession the correct way in Spanish.
- Building a Large Spanish Vocabulary As Spanish speakers, we always want to be interested in building new words and phrases into our vocabularies. Getting better at Spanish is challenging and keeps it interesting. Anyway, that's the goal of this lesson -- to give you tools and ideas on how to build a very large vocabulary of Spanish words.
- Talk About the Weather in Spanish Do you ever find yourself in search of things to talk about when practicing Spanish? Talking about the weather is very popular -- and useful when you want to talk to a new Spanish-speaking friend.
- Definite Article and Indefinite Article The tiny but mighty definite article and indefinite article are found in almost every Spanish sentence you say, hear, and read. This lesson will give you all you need to know about the articles.
- All You Need To Know Regarding Ordinal Numbers in Spanish Ordinal numbers are second nature when speaking English, but taking a minute to learn to use them in Spanish will help you sound like a native Spanish speaker.
About the lessons
This page has a wide range of different types of lessons for the Spanish student. From the everyday like talking about the weather, to Spanish verbs and conjugation, and more. We hope you find something interesting and useful here.